Term 1 Wrap Up at Northam PEAC Centre

As Term 1 wraps up, Year 5 students enrolled in Mr Slater’s Introduction to PEAC program have much to celebrate. These young scholars have embarked on a journey of exploration and growth, delving into a diverse array of enriching activities designed to foster teamwork and skill development.

The Introduction to PEAC program has showcased the remarkable dynamics of its participants, emphasising the importance of collaboration and camaraderie. From mastering the art of questioning to experiencing the thrill of improvisation and acting, students have engaged in a series of interactive sessions aimed at honing their cognitive and interpersonal abilities.

Throughout the term, pupils have also gained valuable insights into effective communication techniques, learning the secrets of compelling PowerPoint presentations, and mastering the art of crafting mind maps. Furthermore, they have put their problem-solving skills to the test through engaging challenges like the “Tallest Tower” activity, demonstrating creativity and resourcefulness in their approach.

As the school community prepares for a well-deserved break, Mr. Slater extends his gratitude to all parents, grandparents, and carers who have played an integral role in supporting their children’s participation in the PEAC program. Their unwavering dedication and involvement have contributed significantly to the success of the initiative, highlighting the importance of parental engagement in educational endeavours.

With Term 1 coming to a close, Year 5 PEAC students at Northam Primary School Centre can reflect proudly on their accomplishments and eagerly anticipate the exciting opportunities that lie ahead in the PEAC program. As they recharge during the break, they remain poised to continue their educational journey with enthusiasm and determination.

March 27, 2024